Bike accidents in Wisconsin can mean need for Wisconsin bicycle accident attorneys
On behalf of Milwaukee personal injury attorney Ric Domnitz of Domnitz & Domnitz, S.C. posted in Bicycle Accidents on Tuesday, November 4, 2014.
Many Wisconsin residents may use their bicycle as a form of transportation or just enjoy cycling as an outdoor activity. While bicycles are a great way to get around, bicyclists are always at risk for suffering serious injuries if they are struck by a vehicle.
Certain individuals are more at risk for suffering injuries than others. For example, children between the age of 4 and 15 and adolescents and young adults between the ages of 15 and 24 account for approximately 60 percent of bicycle-related injuries. Additionally, males are more likely to suffer injuries than females. Finally, it should be known that most accidents occur in busy, urban areas and along roadways, not at intersections.
There are a number of ways that bicyclists can reduce the risk of becoming involved in an accident and suffering injuries. The biggest thing that bicyclists have control over is whether or not they wear a helmet. Adults and children who wear properly fitted helmets are less likely to suffer traumatic brain injuries and other associated injuries as they are protected. Additionally, bicyclists who wear fluorescent clothing, retro-reflective clothing and use lighting devices on their bicycles are more likely to be seen by motorists, which reduces the risk of a potential accident. Additionally, if the community provides roadway safety measures such as bike lanes or bike paths, these can be utilized by bicyclists in order to reduce risks of injury.
If someone becomes injured in a bike accident, they may be entitled to compensation for certain damages, such as medical bills, by filing a personal injury lawsuit. However, they must prove that it was the negligent or careless actions of the accused motorist that caused the injuries and not the actions of the injured cyclist.
Source: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention , “Bicycle-Related Injuries”, November 02, 2014
If you have been injured in bike accident, it is in your best interests to contact a Milwaukee personal injury attorney.