Milwaukee Personal Injury Lawyer
Who Your Lawyer Is Really Does Matter
A $1,000,000 Victory In Light of Tragedy
A man and his 11 year old son left their home to attend a Milwaukee Bucks basketball game. Less than a mile from their home a drunk driver crossed the center line and smashed into their car, killing father and son. The family hired our firm to pursue their wrongful death action against the offending driver and we obtained over $1,000,000 for the family. The judge presiding over the lawsuit commended the work by our firm, citing the forceful representation coupled with the expert handling of the sensitive aspects of this tragic case. The judge later referred multiple car accident victims to our firm.
Don’t Be Taken Advantage Of
Use These Steps to Prevent Re-Injury by Insurance Companies
1. Contact law enforcement:
Too often, car accident victims are talked into leaving the scene of a collision without contacting the police. That’s a big mistake to make because everything about an accident scene is potentially important in determining who is at fault. Law enforcement will document important information regarding driver identification, the final resting place of the cars involved, physical evidence (skid marks, debris, and other markings on the road), traffic controls, sight lines and witness statements. Help us help you by making sure the police are called to the scene of your motor vehicle accident.
2. Get medical attention:
A favorite ploy of insurance companies trying to avoid paying full compensation is to point to a delay in seeking medical attention. The longer you wait to have your injuries documented by medical professionals, the greater the potential that you will not be treated fairly by an insurer. A visit to an emergency room (ER), a walk-in clinic, or your family doctor in order to have your injuries documented could prove vital in the settlement or trial of your personal injury claim.
3. Consult with an experienced personal injury lawyer:
Protecting injured people from further loss is the first objective of any qualified personal injury lawyer. In the early days after a car accident or a truck accident, injured people can make unknowing errors that may have devastating effects on their claim down the road. An experienced Milwaukee car accident attorney, like those at our law firm, can help prevent those errors and ensure that the legal rights of injured people are fully protected.
4. Don’t give recorded statements:
Insurance companies often contact auto accident victims soon after an accident to take a recorded statement either in person or over the phone. You should know you are under no obligation to provide such a statement to anyone else’s insurance company, and if you are dealing with your own insurer, you have the right to have your lawyer present when such a statement is taken. Often, injuries take several days to fully show themselves, and early statements documenting an injury often come back to haunt an injured person. Stick to your rights; don’t talk to any insurance company without consulting with experienced Milwaukee car accident attorneys.
5. Don’t assume your insurer is on your side:
Insurance companies are all over television assuring the public they want to treat people who have suffered losses with the utmost caring and concern. That simply is not the case. Insurance companies — even your own — make their money by taking in the highest possible premiums and paying lowest possible amount in claims, even to their own insured. Insurance adjusters will tell you they are on your side and they want to fully compensate you for the damages you have suffered. THIS ISN’T TRUE. DON’T BELIEVE IT. The only way you will be treated fairly is to be well represented in negotiations by your own experienced attorney.