Wisconsin Bedsore Patient Injury Attorneys
Milwaukee Bedsore Injury Attorneys
Racine and Kenosha Nursing Home Negligence Lawyers
Seeking Compensation for Nursing Home Injuries
Contact Us | 414-289-0909
One of the most common and most visible signs of nursing home neglect is patients developing bedsores. Also known as decubitus ulcers, these are the result of lack of blood flow to areas with significant pressure. Often these happen when the resident is not turned or repositioned frequently enough.
At Domnitz & Domnitz, S.C., we have seen the painful impact nursing home abuse has on residents and their families in Wisconsin and northern Illinois. When care homes are negligent in their duties, we believe they should be held accountable for the improper care they provide to your loved ones. Contact a Milwaukee nursing home abuse attorney to discuss your concerns during a free consultation with a lawyer.
Bedsores are a sure sign of neglect
Those who understand the unique needs of the elderly and the incapacitated know there are required care standards which must be adhered to in order to keep patients healthy. Yet, too often, the nurses and aides providing care fail to meet their responsibilities and patients suffer from bedsores, falls or even wandering away.
Though bedsores most commonly appear as a result of decreased circulation, there are other contributing factors. These ulcers can also develop from a lack of proper nutrition and hydration as well as improper skin care. Unfortunately, once sores develop, they are challenging to treat. In addition, because the immune system is using its energy fighting the bedsore infection, the body’s efforts are compromised when other conditions manifest and even in the general healing process.
Contact us for a free consultation
The time to treat a bedsore is before it even happens. If you suspect preventive efforts are lacking in the care facility where your loved one resides, or if bedsores have developed, document the situation. Take photographs, make note of when and whom you spoke with on staff and their response. Further, contact a Milwaukee personal injury attorney to help. With a strong record of success, we can help you recover financial compensation for nursing home neglect claims.