Motorcycle Accident Lawyers for Milwaukee, WI
Milwaukee was built on motorcycle tradition. In fact, two wheels and the rich Wisconsin summer air are things that make our area a great place to live.
And for those of us who enjoy riding, drivers who do not respect the rights of motorcyclists pose a real risk. Motorcyclists are at a bit of a disadvantage when it comes to protection on the roads. While a motorcycle driver may wear protective gear like helmets and jackets, it can’t always bear the brunt of an impact if there is a collision with a large vehicle.
This is why it’s important for motorcycle operators to know their rights and to follow common safety practices when riding. Domnitz & Domnitz are proud to be Milwaukee motorcycle accident lawyers serving the many motorcyclists in Southeast Wisconsin.
To help keep you safe and informed, we’ve gathered some great motorcycle crash information for you. We hope it helps you understand your rights, your responsibilities, and your options if you’ve been injured in a motorcycle crash.
If you have been in a wreck in the Milwaukee-area and need to talk with motorcycle accident lawyers ASAP, please pick up your phone and call 414-289-0909 or fill out our online form and we will get back to you to schedule a Free Legal Consultation. You will meet with Ric or Noah Domnitz, not a paralegal or assistant, to get the best assistance from the start.
Causes of a Motorcycle Crash
Unfortunately, if you’ve been injured in a motorcycle accident, the reason is likely negligence on the part of one of the drivers involved. The most common causes of motorcycle crashes that we see are:

- Failure to “see” a motorcycle on the road
- Making an illegal left-hand turn at an intersection
- Violating a motorcycle’s right of way
- Merging into another lane without looking
- Failing to signal at on-ramps and off-ramps
- Texting while driving (and other forms of distracted driving)
- Failing to look before turning into traffic
- Speeding (and other forms of reckless driving)
- Driving under the influence of drugs or alcohol
In each of these examples, a violation of a motor vehicle’s obligation to drive safely and to properly share the road is violated. It’s important to remember that if you were hit on your motorcycle due to the negligence of another, you have rights, including the right to seek fair compensation for your injuries. Quality motorcycle accident lawyers in your local area who care about you are the answer – like Domnitz & Domnitz.

When Motorcycle Accidents Peak
Although a motorcycle crash can happen anytime, on average, there are more accidents during particular periods. For instance:
There tends to be a rise in collisions in the spring when the temperature starts to warm. This could be because of a number of reasons. For instance, there are more riders on the road, many riders are back on the road after not riding for months, and leftover salt on the roads can create a debris hazard.
Accident rates often peak in the summer, when the most drivers are on the road. Low gas prices and great weather mean more vehicles on the road, which inevitably means more crashes.
Even though there are often fewer vehicles on the road during this time of year, fall offers its own challenges for motorcyclists. In fact, collisions with deer and other wild animals (such as wolves and turkeys) is more common than you might think.
Types of Injuries Common to Motorcyclists
Because motorcycles provide far less physical protection to their drivers than other vehicles, motorcycle crashes often result in serious and sometimes fatal injuries. In fact, depending on how well equipped the driver is and how serious the accident is, someone involved in a motorcycle accident can suffer anything from a few scratches to a severed spinal cord.
Here are some of the most common injuries from motorcycle accidents:
Broken Bones & Fractures
Soft Tissue Damage
Whiplash Injuries
Head Trauma (Traumatic Brain Injuries)
Spinal Cord Damage
Nerve Damage
Road Rash & Burns
Injuries Resulting in Amputation
Severe Lacerations
Joint Damage & Loss of Movement
No matter the severity of your injury, or the damage to your bike – local, caring, and qualified motorcycle accident lawyers like Ric & Noah Domnitz can help you get justice.
Safety Tips for Riders
Check Your Equipment
It is important that every motorcycle on the road meets minimum equipment requirements. This helps protect the rider from being in an accident and from causing one.

Before taking your bike for a spin, check to make sure the following equipment meets the minimum standards:
- Headlight
- Tail light
- Brake light
- Muffler
- Horn
- Brake
- Rear view mirror
- Handlebars
Take Safety Classes
One of the best ways a motorcyclist can prevent an accident is by making sure he or she is well trained on how to properly operate a motorcycle. Safety and riding classes can often be found via local technical colleges, the state DMV, and private organizations. See our Wisconsin Motorcycle Training section below for more info!
Wear the Proper Riding Attire
Wearing appropriate gear can sometimes mean the difference between suffering a minor injury or a disfiguring (or fatal) one. Proper attire can protect riders from road rash, burns, lacerations, and more.
The Wisconsin DOT recommends the following protective gear:

- A full face helmet that meets US DOT standards. (Although controversial for some, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, helmets reduce the risk of death by 37% and the risk of head injury by 69%.)
- Heavy-duty (such as leather or heavy denim) long-sleeve jacket and long pants
- Over-the-ankle boots
- Full fingered leather gloves
- Eye protection (such as a face shield, goggles, or glasses)
Drive Responsibly
Whether you’re driving a car or a motorcycle, the best way that you can protect yourself is to drive responsibly and avoid needing motorcycle accident lawyers at all. This means:

- Obey the law.
- Be alert and aware.
- Stay out of blind spots.
- Don’t drive erratically or weave through traffic.
- Check your blind spots before changing lanes or making turns.
- Don’t drive under the influence of alcohol or drugs.
How to Drive a Car Around Motorcycles
Motorcycles pose special risks for other drivers on the road. You can decrease the likelihood of being in an accident with a motorcycle by:
- Leaving extra room between your vehicle and any motorcycle around you, especially in slippery conditions.
- Checking your blind spots regularly, and always before making a lane change or turn.
- Making a point to look for motorcycles, especially at intersections.
- Being aware that a motorcycle’s small size can make it harder to track and appear to be farther away than it really is.
If you’re driving a car in Milwaukee, please follow the above tips to safely share the road with riders, and avoid a call from motorcycle accident lawyers!
Wisconsin Motorcycle Training
When it comes to avoiding being in an accident with a motorcycle, the importance of training and experience cannot be understated. Luckily, Wisconsin offers a bevy of training options for riders who want to improve their skills. For instance:
- The Wisconsin Department of Transportation offers classroom and on-the-bike instruction for basic and advanced riders.
- Waukesha County Technical College offers Basic and Continuing Education courses.
- Most states have private motorcycle safety schools that offer training for new and experienced riders hoping to improve their skills.
- Some motorcycle manufacturers offer safety and riding courses through their dealerships.
How Age & Experience Affect Rider Accident Rates
Statistics show that older, re-entry riders and new, inexperienced riders both face unique risks. For instance:
- Younger, inexperienced riders are more likely to get in collisions. In fact, safety studies show that the most dangerous time for bikers is the first month of their first year.
- An older motorcyclist is far more likely to be seriously injured in a motorcycle crash. In fact, according to the National Safety Council, riders aged 50 years and older made up 35% of all motorcycle fatalities in 2015.
- According to the Insurance Information Institute, older motorcyclists also make up more than half of all fatalities.
How Milwaukee Motorcycle Accident Lawyers Can Help
If you’ve been involved in a motorcycle accident, having qualified motorcycle accident lawyers on your side can make the difference between recovering fair injury compensation for your losses and being saddled with huge medical bills and significant property damages.

Good motorcycle accident lawyers can help you achieve the best outcome for your case by:
- Providing a comprehensive understanding of Wisconsin and Illinois insurance liability statutes and personal injury law
- Accurately assessing your unique liability situation
- Tapping a network of engineering and medical consultants to help investigate your motorcycle crash case
- Dealing directly with the insurance companies involved so that you don’t have to
- Knowing the maneuvers insurance companies may use in an attempt to minimize or dispute your motorcycle claim
- Helping you recover maximum compensation based on the law, not on the deceptive practices of the insurance company
We can help you get the compensation you deserve. To schedule a free initial consultation with Milwaukee motorcycle accident lawyers, contact Domnitz & Domnitz, S.C. We have the resources to provide top-notch representation in a wide variety of legal issues.