Bus from Wisconsin Involved in Pedestrian Accident
On behalf of Milwaukee personal injury attorney Ric Domnitz of Domnitz & Domnitz, S.C. posted in Commercial Vehicle Accidents on Friday, June 13, 2014.
With so many buses on the road during the school months, there is always the chance of an accident. Recently, police responded to a bus accident in downtown Minneapolis. The incident occurred in close proximity to the intersection of 3rd Street and 2nd Avenue. The driver of the bus, operated by the Webster, Wisconsin Public School District, was traveling north on 2nd Avenue when he made a left turn on 3rd Street.
At that time, the bus struck a pedestrian who was walking on 2nd Avenue. The woman was hit by the bus and pinned under the front tire. A witness reported screams coming from the area, and a person being pulled out from under the bus.
According to the superintendent of the Webster, Wisconsin Public School District, the bus driver had previously dropped off a group of students at Target Field for a Major League Baseball game. He also noted that none of the students was around when the bus accident happened.
This type of traffic accident is more common than it should be and is often times a result of a bus driver not paying attention to what is going on around him or her. In some cases, it is a student who is hit by the bus, but in this story, it was a pedestrian who was simply walking down the street.
There is no additional information on what caused the accident, why the driver did not see the woman or her condition at the present time. Like most similar accidents, the end result was disastrous, which could lead to the driver, school district and/or bus company being held liable.
Source: Star Tribune, “Pedestrian hit by school bus in downtown Mpls.”
If you need legal representation for a bus accident, contact a Milwaukee personal injury attorney with Domnitz & Domnitz, S.C.